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Text File | 1996-01-26 | 9.1 KB | 274 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- Alpha allows you to customize the keystrokes you use to invoke editor
- functions. There are basically three different ways editor functions can
- be invoked:
- • Directly via Alpha menus.
- • Via the 'Evaluate' function (escape-x).
- • By selecting them and "load"ing them (command-l).
- • Through key combinations other than menu equivalents. These
- combinations include function keys and the numeric keypad.
- It is the last option that we are concerned with here. By default, Alpha
- has well over 100 different key bindings, far more than you would ever want
- to memorize. However, the bindings are there only for your convenience. You
- don't need to use any of them, but many people find that using the mouse
- for common editing functions seriously slows them down.
- The following is a list of some of the most commonly used key bindings in
- Alpha's default setup:
- Help
- ===========================================================================
- 'help' invoke Alpha help
- Moving the Cursor
- ===========================================================================
- left-arrow or control-b backward character
- right-arrow or control-f forward character
- up-arrow or control-p previous-line
- down-arrow or control-n next-line
- option-left-arrow or option-b backward one word
- option-right-arrow or option-f forward one word
- command-left-arrow or control-a beginning of line
- command-right-arrow or control-e end of line
- command-up-arrow or 'home' beginning of window
- command-down-arrow or 'end' end of window
- 'pgup' move one page backward
- 'pgdn' move one page forward
- Selecting Text
- ===========================================================================
- shift-left-arrow extend selection one char left
- shift-right-arrow extend selection one char right
- shift-up-arrow extend selection one line up
- shift-down-arrow extend selection one line down
- shift-option-left-arrow extend selection one word left
- shift-option-right-arrow extend selection one word right
- control-h select next word
- shift-command-left-arrow select to beginning of line
- shift-command-right-arrow select to end of line
- Deleting Text
- ===========================================================================
- 'del' or control-d delete forward char
- 'delete' delete backward char
- option-d delete forward word
- option-h or option-delete delete backward word
- control-k delete to end of line
- Windows
- ===========================================================================
- F5 previous window
- F6 next window
- F7 tile windows
- F8 exchange previous window w/ current
- ================================================================================
- A formated table of key bindings in LaTeX format are in ":LaTeX:latex 2e".
- Below are the rest of the generic bindings. Be aware that each file has a
- "mode" associated with it (popup menu on the downward-pointing triangle
- above the vertical scrollbar) that may define additional key bindings.
- Whenever in doubt about your current mode, select "Describe Mode" from
- the popup menu over the flag icon above the vertical scrollbar.
- bind 'a' <oz> insertAscii
- bind 'a' <soz> getAscii
- bind 'a' <z> beginningOfLine
- bind 'b' <z> backwardChar
- bind 'c' <z> prefixChar
- bind 'c' <zC> gotoMatch
- bind 'd' <z> deleteChar
- bind 'e' <z> endOfLine
- bind 'f' <zX> findFile
- bind 'f' <cz> freeMem
- bind 'f' <z> forwardChar
- bind 'g' <z> abortEm
- ascii 0x8 backSpace
- bind 'h' <z> hiliteWord
- bind 'k' <z> killLine
- bind 'l' <z> centerRedraw
- ascii 0xd carriageReturn
- bind 'n' <z> nextLine
- bind 'o' <z> openLine
- bind 'p' <z> previousLine
- bind 'q' <z> prefixChar
- bind 'r' <z> rsearch
- bind 's' <zX> save
- bind 's' <coz> spacesToTabs
- bind 's' <z> isearch
- bind 't' <coz> tabsToSpaces
- bind 't' <z> insertToTop
- bind 'u' <z> iterationCount
- bind 'v' <z> pageForward
- bind 'w' <sz> rectMarkHilite
- bind 'w' <z> cut
- bind 'x' <z> prefixChar
- bind 'x' <zX> exchangePointAndMark
- bind 'y' <z> yank
- bind 'z' <z> pageBack
- ascii 0x1b startEscape
- bind '\[' <sz> normalLeftBracket
- bind '\]' <sz> normalRightBracket
- bind ' ' <e> oneSpace
- bind ' ' <z> setMark
- bind ''' <z> quoteWord
- bind '9' <sX> startKeyboardMacro
- bind '0' <sX> endKeyboardMacro
- bind ',' <z> pushMark
- bind '.' <z> popMark
- bind '1' <X> zoom
- bind '1' <z> execAbbrev
- bind ',' <se> beginningOfBuffer
- bind '.' <se> endOfBuffer
- bind kpad. endOfBuffer
- bind 'b' <se> backwardWordSelect
- bind right forwardChar
- bind right <c> endOfLine
- bind right <s> forwardCharSelect
- bind right <cs> endLineSelect
- bind right <z> {scrollRightCol 15}
- bind right <o> forwardWord
- bind right <so> forwardWordSelect
- bind 'f' <se> forwardWordSelect
- bind left backwardChar
- bind left <c> beginningOfLine
- bind left <s> backwardCharSelect
- bind left <cs> beginningLineSelect
- bind left <z> {scrollLeftCol 15}
- bind left <o> backwardWord
- bind left <so> backwardWordSelect
- bind clear insertToTop
- bind down nextIntro Help
- bind down nextLine
- bind down <c> endOfBuffer
- bind down <s> nextLineSelect
- bind down <cs> endBufferSelect
- bind down <z> scrollDownLine
- bind down <o> scrollDownLine
- bind enter pageForward
- bind up prevIntro Help
- bind up previousLine
- bind up <s> prevLineSelect
- bind up <c> beginningOfBuffer
- bind up <cs> beginningBufferSelect
- bind up <z> scrollUpLine
- bind up <o> scrollUpLine
- bind kpad0 pageBack
- bind kpad1 prevFunc
- bind kpad3 nextFunc
- bind kpad4 backwardWord
- bind kpad4 <c> backwardDeleteWord
- bind kpad5 exchangePointAndMark
- bind kpad6 forwardWord
- bind kpad6 <c> deleteWord
- bind kpad7 backwardDeleteWord
- bind '\[' <cs> ordLeftBrace
- bind kpad9 deleteWord
- bind '\]' <cs> ordRightBrace
- bind f5 prevWindow
- bind 'a' <Q> tiled
- bind f6 nextWindow
- bind 'b' <X> chooseAWindow
- bind 'b' <Q> shrinkLow
- bind 'b' <e> backwardWord
- bind f7 tiled
- bind 'c' <Q> chooseAWindow
- bind 'c' <e> capitalizeWord
- bind f3 copy
- bind 'd' <e> deleteWord
- bind f8 swapWithNext
- bind 'e' <X> executeKeyboardMacro
- bind 'e' <e> nextSentence
- bind f9 pushMark
- bind 'f' <Q> shrinkFull
- bind 'f' <e> forwardWord
- bind 'g' <e> gotoLine
- bind f11 shrinkHigh
- bind 'h' <Q> horizontally
- bind 'h' <e> backwardDeleteWord
- bind 'i' <Q> iconify
- bind f13 startKeyboardMacro
- bind 'j' <e> fillParagraph
- bind 'k' <e> keyCode
- bind f14 endKeyboardMacro
- bind 'l' <C> texDividingLine TeX
- bind 'l' <X> currentPosition
- bind 'l' <Q> shrinkLeft
- bind 'l' <e> downcaseWord
- bind 'l' <C> dividingLine
- bind 'm' <X> matchingLines
- bind f10 popMark
- bind 'n' <Q> nextWindow
- bind 'o' <X> swapWithNext
- bind 'o' <Q> overlay
- bind f12 shrinkLow
- bind 'p' <Q> prevWindow
- bind 'p' <e> fillParagraphSentence
- bind f15 executeKeyboardMacro
- bind 'r' <Q> shrinkRight
- bind 'r' <e> repeatSearchBackward
- bind help alphaHelp
- bind 's' <Q> swapWithNext
- bind 's' <e> repeatSearchForward
- bind home beginningOfBuffer
- bind 't' <Q> shrinkHigh
- bind 't' <e> findTag
- bind pgup pageBack
- bind 'u' <e> upcaseWord
- bind del deleteChar
- bind 'v' <Q> vertically
- bind 'v' <e> pageBack
- bind f4 yank
- bind 'w' <e> copy
- bind end endOfBuffer
- bind 'x' <e> execute
- bind f2 cut
- bind pgdn pageForward
- bind f1 iconify
- bind left backwardChar
- bind left <c> beginningOfLine
- bind left <s> backwardCharSelect
- bind left <cs> beginningLineSelect
- bind left <z> {scrollLeftCol 15}
- bind left <o> backwardWord
- bind left <so> backwardWordSelect
- bind right forwardChar
- bind right <c> endOfLine
- bind right <s> forwardCharSelect
- bind right <cs> endLineSelect
- bind right <z> {scrollRightCol 15}
- bind right <o> forwardWord
- bind right <so> forwardWordSelect
- bind down nextIntro Help
- bind down nextLine
- bind down <c> endOfBuffer
- bind down <s> nextLineSelect
- bind down <cs> endBufferSelect
- bind down <z> scrollDownLine
- bind down <o> scrollDownLine
- bind up prevIntro Help
- bind up previousLine
- bind up <s> prevLineSelect
- bind up <c> beginningOfBuffer
- bind up <cs> beginningBufferSelect
- bind up <z> scrollUpLine
- bind up <o> scrollUpLine
- bind 'a' <o> prevSentence